Monday 26 May 2014


“Men are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds.”  ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

“With an unquiet mind, neither exercise, nor diet, nor physick can be of much use.” ~Samuel Johnson

“Perhaps God gives us a physical body so that every time we change our mind, we won’t be someone else.” ~Robert Brault

“The vacation we often need is freedom from our own mind.” ~Jack Adam Weber

“Every thought we have is a form of energy that continues to exist forever.” ~Pim van Lommel

“You must weed your mind as you would weed your garden.” ~Terri Guillemets

Last year one night I had a very strange dream, I dreamt that I was flying but initially I was unaware that I was flying because I did not look down. A few minutes into the dream, for some reason I decided to look below me, that was when I realized that I was above ground, immediately I panicked and I began to fall. I woke up from that dream clenching my bed, heart pounding, breathless.

A few nights later I was telling a friend about this dream and as I did, I explained that it was not the dream that most surprised me, it was how real it felt, I woke up drenched in sweat and even though I knew I was on my bed I still looked to check if my bed was on the ground.

My friend said to me “it did not have to end like that”, I was curious to find out what he meant, he said “you can manipulate your dream, change the outcome and control your actions”. I was speechless, to be honest I thought he was a little crazy, because he is an eccentric person by nature.

He said the next time you dream, TRY IT!!! IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!! He said the mind is a beautiful thing, it is a tool, it should be used like any other organ in your body. People let their mind control them instead of them controlling their mind. He said I dare you to do this and if you succeed it will change your life.

I never really understood what he meant but I was intrigued by the idea, so I began to try it, but somehow it never seemed to work for me. I thought what am I doing wrong?? How do I get to this place??

To be honest I cannot fully explain this to you because I am still in awe myself, but one month ago I had another dream and in that dream someone called me and told me that someone I loved more than my own self died, and in that dream, I said to the person “this dream will not end like this, what you are saying is a lie, I am going to wake up now”, and then I did.

When I woke up from my dream I was in shock, I thought to myself "did that just happen?" I was proud. Since that month, I have done it in every single dream I have had that was not unfolding in my favour, because I change the odds to ever be in my favour. I DID THAT!

You may ask why is Debra telling me this? After being silent for so long, why start here? My answer is this, it is simple and I can only hope you get my message.

 We place value on every single thing in our life that is physical. We have been cultured to nurture self, self being our body, our hair, our skin, our image, our character, self being the reflection in your mirror.

The truth is the most powerful weapon we have most of us, don’t use, we are unaware of it, we have not come to terms with it. I believe it is primarily because no one places a value on a beautiful mind.

Do you know what I discovered from my dream? I have found a new way to use my mind, a way I have never used it before, and I knew that there are many more discoveries ahead.


I had an epiphany, I realized that for me half of my challenges were in my mind, majority of my battles are in my mind. It all make sense for me. When I sat and thought about what I had done, what I thought was “impossible”, I realize..... what can I not do??

I understood finally what my friend meant by the mind is a tool, you should use it like you use any other part of your body, people let their mind control them instead of them controlling their mind. If you learn to control your mind you control your life.

It may sound simple, but it is profound, ask yourself, am I controlling my mind or is my mind controlling me? Is my mind my tool or am I slave to my mind?

This has been one of the most liberating experience I have had to date because it brought me perspective on life. My perspective is this:

1.  The difference between what you see as a “brilliant” mind and  “average” mind is "MINDSET":

i.                    The focus is on different things

ii.                  The dedication they each have is different

iii.                The willingness to push SELF beyond boundaries and status quo

iv.                The perseverance they have to continue

v.                  The drive to never accept defeat


I believe the difference between all us is our mindset, and the truth is the sooner we acknowledge that maybe it is not people, circumstances, social settings, education, class, gender, colour that holds us back, may be it is SELF.

Some of us believe we can never achieve greatness so we will never achieve, some of us have tried and failed and we accept defeat, some us have accepted average because brilliance seems too hard to achieve.

The next time you hear a story about a person who overcame what seemed like insurmountable obstacles like poverty, teenage pregnancy, abuse, addiction, whatever it is, always remember that person decided at some point in their life to CHANGE THEIR MINDSET, THEIR WAY OF THINKING, THEIR PERSPECTIVE.
It can be as simple as instead of thinking "I might", think "I will", and if you believe, you have already changed your atmosphere, then comes your attitude, and you will achieve.

So to all the beautiful minds out there who are CHANGING SELF, CREATING SELF, FINDING SELF, DEFINING SELF, I ADMIRE YOU.

And for those who are still on their journey may you realize that you have the power to have the odds always in your favour.

I do not aspire to have people see me as physically beautiful,  I aspire for people to see my beautiful mind.
It is good to be back, I have so much to share with you.






  1. Beautiful blog Debra... Very encouraging and it is really a confirmation for me too:-)

  2. Hello Debra,

    This is an extremely brilliant post, Debra! You just confirmed something that I always knew: we don't have to be victims of our dreams; we can change the outcome. Super brilliant post! Well Said! I always knew you had it in you....and I have told you so, so many many times while you were my student at Alpha......You are my living proof that we can indeed control the outcomes of our dreams....

    Percival Supria

  3. Welcome back! This is so timely Debra..."whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve" - Napoleon Hill
