Monday 26 May 2014


“Men are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds.”  ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

“With an unquiet mind, neither exercise, nor diet, nor physick can be of much use.” ~Samuel Johnson

“Perhaps God gives us a physical body so that every time we change our mind, we won’t be someone else.” ~Robert Brault

“The vacation we often need is freedom from our own mind.” ~Jack Adam Weber

“Every thought we have is a form of energy that continues to exist forever.” ~Pim van Lommel

“You must weed your mind as you would weed your garden.” ~Terri Guillemets

Last year one night I had a very strange dream, I dreamt that I was flying but initially I was unaware that I was flying because I did not look down. A few minutes into the dream, for some reason I decided to look below me, that was when I realized that I was above ground, immediately I panicked and I began to fall. I woke up from that dream clenching my bed, heart pounding, breathless.

A few nights later I was telling a friend about this dream and as I did, I explained that it was not the dream that most surprised me, it was how real it felt, I woke up drenched in sweat and even though I knew I was on my bed I still looked to check if my bed was on the ground.

My friend said to me “it did not have to end like that”, I was curious to find out what he meant, he said “you can manipulate your dream, change the outcome and control your actions”. I was speechless, to be honest I thought he was a little crazy, because he is an eccentric person by nature.

He said the next time you dream, TRY IT!!! IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!! He said the mind is a beautiful thing, it is a tool, it should be used like any other organ in your body. People let their mind control them instead of them controlling their mind. He said I dare you to do this and if you succeed it will change your life.

I never really understood what he meant but I was intrigued by the idea, so I began to try it, but somehow it never seemed to work for me. I thought what am I doing wrong?? How do I get to this place??

To be honest I cannot fully explain this to you because I am still in awe myself, but one month ago I had another dream and in that dream someone called me and told me that someone I loved more than my own self died, and in that dream, I said to the person “this dream will not end like this, what you are saying is a lie, I am going to wake up now”, and then I did.

When I woke up from my dream I was in shock, I thought to myself "did that just happen?" I was proud. Since that month, I have done it in every single dream I have had that was not unfolding in my favour, because I change the odds to ever be in my favour. I DID THAT!

You may ask why is Debra telling me this? After being silent for so long, why start here? My answer is this, it is simple and I can only hope you get my message.

 We place value on every single thing in our life that is physical. We have been cultured to nurture self, self being our body, our hair, our skin, our image, our character, self being the reflection in your mirror.

The truth is the most powerful weapon we have most of us, don’t use, we are unaware of it, we have not come to terms with it. I believe it is primarily because no one places a value on a beautiful mind.

Do you know what I discovered from my dream? I have found a new way to use my mind, a way I have never used it before, and I knew that there are many more discoveries ahead.


I had an epiphany, I realized that for me half of my challenges were in my mind, majority of my battles are in my mind. It all make sense for me. When I sat and thought about what I had done, what I thought was “impossible”, I realize..... what can I not do??

I understood finally what my friend meant by the mind is a tool, you should use it like you use any other part of your body, people let their mind control them instead of them controlling their mind. If you learn to control your mind you control your life.

It may sound simple, but it is profound, ask yourself, am I controlling my mind or is my mind controlling me? Is my mind my tool or am I slave to my mind?

This has been one of the most liberating experience I have had to date because it brought me perspective on life. My perspective is this:

1.  The difference between what you see as a “brilliant” mind and  “average” mind is "MINDSET":

i.                    The focus is on different things

ii.                  The dedication they each have is different

iii.                The willingness to push SELF beyond boundaries and status quo

iv.                The perseverance they have to continue

v.                  The drive to never accept defeat


I believe the difference between all us is our mindset, and the truth is the sooner we acknowledge that maybe it is not people, circumstances, social settings, education, class, gender, colour that holds us back, may be it is SELF.

Some of us believe we can never achieve greatness so we will never achieve, some of us have tried and failed and we accept defeat, some us have accepted average because brilliance seems too hard to achieve.

The next time you hear a story about a person who overcame what seemed like insurmountable obstacles like poverty, teenage pregnancy, abuse, addiction, whatever it is, always remember that person decided at some point in their life to CHANGE THEIR MINDSET, THEIR WAY OF THINKING, THEIR PERSPECTIVE.
It can be as simple as instead of thinking "I might", think "I will", and if you believe, you have already changed your atmosphere, then comes your attitude, and you will achieve.

So to all the beautiful minds out there who are CHANGING SELF, CREATING SELF, FINDING SELF, DEFINING SELF, I ADMIRE YOU.

And for those who are still on their journey may you realize that you have the power to have the odds always in your favour.

I do not aspire to have people see me as physically beautiful,  I aspire for people to see my beautiful mind.
It is good to be back, I have so much to share with you.





Wednesday 11 September 2013


 Dieting, healthy eating, weight loss, these are the topics that dominate social media. It seems most people at some point or another has gone down the path of trying to lose weight. The reasons may vary but what is important is that we all share a universal story.   In the beginning, we are all excited, we decide to join a gym,  to diet and do it the right way!!!! We are motivated. We want the results and we are aiming to get it.

As humans we get discouraged and we fall off the horse, some of us get back up and try again and a lot of us don't. I have also struggled with dieting and exercising, it seems we all want the results but we don't want to do the work and invest the time. We even venture down the wrong path sometimes, we see all these weight loss pills and they seem like a get rich quick scheme. They promise you the world and you buy into the bull hoping to shed points.

The truth is plain and simple losing weight is just like any goal you want to achieve. It comes with time, work, but MOST IMPORTANTLY DISCIPLINE AND CONSISTENCY!! If you make a conscious decision to do it the right way, by exercising, making healthier meal choices, we can all be the weight we want, lose those few pounds, get that flat stomach and that beach bum!!!

Would you say you want a job but never put in an application?? It is the same thing with weight loss, you cannot say you want to lose weight but you never exercise nor eat healthy!!!!

"Once we change our Mind; We change Everything!" 

Today I give you another amazing woman in her own right. She is all that embodies a Girl on Fire and so much more. I have known Janelle Holder for about a year and a half, we met at a brunch held by The African Canadian Legal Clinic on Father's Day back in 2012. We instantly took to each other and ever since then we have been good friends. What was fascinating to me about Janelle is her positivity, her love for everyone and her abundant kindness.
Janelle Holder is September's Girl on Fire because she is a great example of a God fearing, determined young woman who is destined for greater things. Janelle recently had a great victory in achieving one of her personal goals. Janelle lost over 41 lbs and got into the shape of her life by eating right and exercising AT HOME. Janelle did this on her own, by being determined, persistent, self motivating and steadfast in her ambitions.
Although Janelle is a chef by profession, I was inspired by her new clean and healthy lifestyle but most of all her consistency!!!!!!!!!! Janelle manages to work out every morning before heading to work at a job where she stands for 8 hours every day in the kitchen!!! How amazing is this!?!?!
Janelle was unhappy with her weight and knew she had the power within her to change her situation, she began with DVD's such as Insanity and Black Girls Workout too and then began her own in-home gym with fitness exercises such as cycling, squats, etc. She began shopping at her local Whole Foods Market and was disciplined with her daily self-customized healthy eating meal plans.

FROM 210 lbs to 169 lbs AND SCULPTING!!!!!! DRUMROLLS...41 LBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***Please visit her website at to READ HER Empowering Life Transformation! GET HER WHOLE STORY BY CLICKING ON THIS LINK!***

I asked Janelle a few questions about herself, in her own words:

How would you describe yourself?
I am open to correction, I love learning and being taught! I am extremely observant and I pay close attention to my surroundings. I strive to be the best at any given task!
In your professional life when faced with struggles what did you use to persevere?
I prayed and trusted God to take me where he wanted me to be because I understand that God is my source and everything else are just resources! 
What women do you admire?
I admire my Aunt Naydeen because she is my role model, giving me examples of how a woman of God should behave, speak and carry about myself in a manner that is pleasing to God! 

Do you have a mantra that you live by? If yes please share what it is and why
"Let go and Let God" because it worked for me and I continue to let God direct my path!
What is your daily routine?
My daily routine consist of Worship, Exercising, Working in the Kitchen and Helping other women to accomplish their goals in becoming healthier, losing weight and gaining weight the healthy way!
What do you hope to achieve, what is your ultimate goal?
My ultimate goal is to become a certain kind of person so that God can give me all of His power so that I can do what I want to do!
Please list anything else that you would like to add such as your likes and dislikes.
I love biking, it's now my favourite past time. I love a good healthy laugh because in that comes healing from a long day at work!

Janelle credits all her success to God and staying focused. She will be speaking at the Hello-Fall event listed below about her weight loss journey and her accomplishments.
There is a simple message here, you want to lose weight or gain healthy weight in the right places?? Go ahead!!! Allow CPFC Janelle to guide and assist you to commit and achieve your health and fitness goals, stay focused, be steadfast, don't get discourage when it does not happen overnight.


Did you make a plan to change your life?? Great!! Now do it!! Change your life, start small, start slow but start. Miss Janelle Avalon Holder is truly a great source of inspiration to challenge yourself and to bust through your limits!! If you don't have what you want, figure out what you really, really want and start working towards achieving it!!!!!

YOU CAN CONTACT ChefJay or her Business Manager via Learn as she dispels the TOP 2 Common Food Myths and she gives you nutritional tips on the best good mood foods that RESTORE OPTIMAL HEALTH! You can purchase a copy of her new nutrition guidebook: CPFC Nutrition Guide: GET STARTED  for your  customized nutrition plans, pantry make-over& grocery list, healthy eating guidelines-daily meal prep ideas, her ever-green 5 DAY DETOX & CLEANSE, weight management and how to stay motivated throughout your holistic transformational process!!!!


Sunday 1 September 2013


Hellllllllllllllllllllllo World,
                              It has been a while, yes it has been too long but I am back at the best time of the year and in the best month of the year!! Virgos Rule!!! I hope you are all doing great, I hope you enjoyed the  summer because in my world it is done like dinner lolol. A massive massive thank you for all your emails, facebook messages asking about the blog. I had a month break from school and I used that time to break from everything else, I did nothing except work and more work and used my free time to relax, it was amazing.

Well the vacay is over and it is back to school for me and all the students out there, I pray you all have a productive school year. I know I intend to have an excellent school year striving for all A s this semester. What I always use as my motivation for school besides the fact that I am paying for it myself is that
1. No one's abilities are greater than mine,
2. No one is smarter than I am,
3.If they got a better grade it is because they invested more time than I did and was more disciplined than I was.

I know there are many nights that I would rather be sleeping, watching television, or just doing nothing but I always recite the last 4 lines of this poem. For all of my readers, if you went to school in the Caribbean you should know this:

"We have not wings, we cannot soar;
But we have feet to scale and climb
By slow degrees, by more and more,
The cloudy summits of our time.

The mighty pyramids of stone
That wedge-like cleave the desert airs,
When nearer seen, and better known,
Are but gigantic flights of stairs.
The distant mountains, that uproar
Their solid bastions to the skies,
Are crossed by pathways, that appear
As we to higher levels rise.
The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night."

from “The Ladder of Saint Augustine”
    To all the dreamers, the aspiring young ones, even if it takes a while to grasp that A just remember the last four lines of this poem. As a child attending primary school in Jamaica, this was drilled into our heads at an early age, we knew what was expected of us. I sincerely hope that whatever level of school you are attending, you draw from this poem and find your inner strength and potential.
    Similar to this poem, a song comes to mind, Natasha Beddingfield "unwritten", I saw my friend and a person I truly admire my April's Girl on Fire Nijole Young, tweeted about this song a few days ago and it was so funny because I was singing that song earlier that same day. I love this song, it sends a positive message to everyone that no one should dictate your story, your life, your decisions, you have the power to be EXTRAORDINARY!!!!!!! 
    Go ahead and sing in your hairbrush like I do!!! lolol
    I will be posting September's Girl on Fire this week and please feel free to send me nominees for our monthly girl on fire feature. Is there an outstanding woman in your life or circle that influences you in a positive way? Tell me about her, lets celebrate her together!!!!
    Have a productive week guys!!!!
    #Quotes for thought # soulfood #positive energy #words of empowerment
    “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Mahatma Gandhi
    “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela
    Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation.” Walter Cronkite
    “The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living differ from the dead.” Aristotle

Tuesday 9 July 2013


“The way in which we think of ourselves has everything to do with how our world see us and how we see ourselves successfully acknowledged by the world.” - Arlene Rankin

“Women are never stronger than when they arm themselves with their weaknesses.” - Madame Marie du Deffand

“Woman must not accept; she must challenge.She must not be awed by that which has been built up around her; she must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression.” - Margaret Sanger
Hey Guys,      

After a week, I finally saw "Being Mary Jane" on BET. I saw my twitter page explode and heard all the great reviews but I wanted to make sure I watched it and got my own take on this new series. Interestingly, before I watched the pilot, I got a lot of perspective on the show  from my girlfriends and they all said  the same thing "I feel like I was watching a mirror of my life."
After seeing the statistics on the screen and watching 61 minutes uninterrupted I decided this series deserves a platform. The topic of the single black woman has been an ongoing debate for decades. I am glad that BET decided to bring such a BOLD and FIERCE series to their station it is a much needed change.
Often times people email me to ask, why blog exclusively about women's issues and to them I always say I want to blog about real issues, pressing topics that will make a difference in women's lives. I want to be the voice of my peers in the most positive way possible, and now that I have a forum and an audience I want to influence a generation and that is what "Being Mary Jane" does for me.
For those of you who have not seen the pilot, the story is based on a career driven, beautiful, educated and successful black woman who is financially responsible for her extended family. This woman while very successful in her career and every aspect of her professional life has a hard time finding the same success in her personal life as she is struggling to find her way in her relationships with men.
The pilot though only one episode is very endearing, very well written and tells a story very common to many women. It raises a myriad of issues spanning from  race, gender, colour of skin, teenage pregnancy, a women's strength, personal struggles, professional victorious, the “good girl” ideologies and a woman’s constant quest for love.
I applaud BET for being courageous to tackle the growing issue of successful women that often times are found wondering, settling and compensating for that which we feel we lack. I dubbed Ms Mary Jane Paul this July's girl on fire simply because I felt like it spoke right to my heart.
I often look at my life and wonder how is it I can be so driven, together, focused and successful in every aspect except my relationships. I felt like that part of me was my kryptonite, I may have a million victorious on any given day but I still felt empty and found myself wanting, wondering when will I have my happy ending and why do I feel empty without it? Am I placing too much value on it and less on myself?
Truth is we women are great at pulling it together, smiling through the pain, crying behind closed doors and holding it in. "I know I don't need a man to complete me but I feel like I am failing in that aspect of my life." I often say to myself and my friends often say to me. We always feel we have to be so strong, so together, so "perfect" but inside we are lonely, vulnerable and yearning for that something more.  
Why do you think we often pause and look at “young black love” or even just “black love” it seems like such a rarity but it still gives you that feeling that maybe soon it will happen to me. As a young and thriving career woman myself I often wonder if I have done everything right why am I still searching, waiting, hoping why has this not happened to me?
It is a very invigorating debate going on today about the career woman’s personal struggle and the challenges of being single in a world where companionship and marriage seems to be the order of the day and happy endings are being sold to us through every possible media outlet since the age of innocence.
Being Mary Jane is a one for the single ladies, the career woman, the devoted Christian, it is a step in the right direction for Black Entertainment Television (BET). It is a celebration of the empowering all mighty black woman (hear me roar) but it is meaningful and controversial and it brings an amazing angle on a single woman’s struggle. It raises the all too familiar questions of what is right and wrong, while continuously emphasizing that answering those two questions are not always as simple as black and white.
I celebrate the Mary Janes out there today, I am Mary Jane flaws and all, I am a small part of a big universe but because there is only one of me, I am special.

I hope you draw strength from this lovely character and celebrate yourself my Mary Janes, we should love what is right with our lives, focus less on what is wrong, you are AMAZING!!!!!!
Keep your Heels, head and standards HIGH BABY!!!!!!!
P.S. Let me know how you liked "Being Mary Jane" are you a Mary Jane? How do you deal with the pressure?

Friday 21 June 2013


Hey Guys,

              It’s the weekendddddddddddddddd yesssssssss!!!!!!!! I love it, I had a longggg week and I have been looking forward to the rest. I come at you today with a touchy topic but I am going to say it because a lot of us need to hear it.

I was watching my CP 24 channel to check the weather forecast and saw the author of the book “He is Just Not that into You” Greg Behrendt. While getting ready for work I decided to give him a listen to hear from a male perspective why men sometimes do the things they do.

Whether it is a marriage, long term relationship, just dating or courting there are always some issues on either side. So, I got the book and I have been reading it and OMGGGGG it is eye opening!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, ladies, I am not taking it as gospel but this is the real deal, it speaks volumes on valuing yourself, your time and demanding a certain type of treatment from your partner. It speaks about not settling and setting standards and sticking to them.

It has brought me to a different place!!! I mean I have always had my standards but now I feel like if this can be said from the mouth of a man then we should listen.

Seee if you are WOMAN enough for the truth, it might shake the foundation of your relationships for the good.

I have taken some AMAZING MUST READ quotes from the book and placed them below, Happy reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“A man who wants to make a relationship work will move mountains to keep the
woman he loves”
Greg Behrendt
“If he’s not calling you, it’s because you are not on his mind. If he creates expectations for you, and then doesn’t follow through on little things, he will do same for big things. Be aware of this and realize that he’s okay with disappointing you. Don’t be with someone who doesn’t do what they say they’re going to do. If he’s choosing not to make a simple effort that would put you at ease and bring harmony to a recurring fight, then he doesn’t respect your feelings and needs. “Busy” is another word for “asshole.” “Asshole” is another word for the guy you’re dating. You deserve a fcking phone call.”
Greg Behrendt

 “I'm about to make a wild, extreme and severe relationship rule: the word busy is a load of crap and is most often used by assholes. The word "busy" is the relationship Weapon of Mass Destruction. It seems like a good excuse, but in fact in every silo you uncover, all you're going to find is a man who didn't care enough to call. Remember men are never to busy to get what they want.”
Greg Behrendt
“Let’s start with this statistic: You are delicious. Be brave, my sweet. I know you can get lonely. I know you can crave companionship and sex and love so badly that it physically hurts. But I truly believe that the only way you can find out that there’s something better out there is to first believe there’s something better out there. What other choice is there?”
Greg Behrendt

“Don’t spend your time on and give your heart to any guy who makes you wonder about anything
related to his feelings for you”
Greg Behrendt

“You picked a lemon, throw it away lemonade is overrated. Freaks should remain at the circus, not in your apartment. You already have one asshole. You don’t need another. Make a space in your life for the glorious things you deserve. Have faith.”
Greg Behrendt

“If the guy you’re dating doesn’t seem to be completely into you, or you feel the need to start ‘figuring him out,’ please consider the glorious thought that he might just not be that into you. And then free yourself to go find someone that is.”
Greg Behrendt

But what I can do is paint you a picture of what you’ll never see when you’re with a guy who’s really into you: You’ll never see you staring maniacally at your phone, willing it to ring. You’ll never see you ruining an evening with friends because you’re calling for your messages every fifteen seconds. You’ll never see you hating yourself for calling him when you know you shouldn’t have. What you will see is you being treated so well that no phone antics will be necessary. You’ll be too busy being adored.” Greg Behrendt
“If a man is really into you, nothing will stop him from being with you - including a fear of intimacy.” Greg Behrendt
“But he was so great!' Yes, and the people who got on the Titanic thought they were going on a vacation”  

Monday 10 June 2013

MY INNER NINJA............................................................

Hey Guys,
           I am backkkkkk, Happy Monday!!!!! I hope this post finds you all healthy and happy. I have been a bit out of it lately, I decided to take an online course this semester thinking it would be easy. It is quite the contrary, it is incredibly time consuming and hectic, it has taken me a month but I have finally got the hang of things!!!
If you haven’t noticed my post today is titled “My Inner Ninja” I don’t know how many of you know this song by classified but it is my new anthem right now.  Over the past few weeks I have been tried and tested and it has been a bit of a circus in my life. I have been doing what I have been saying from last year and that is just getting the job done and not talking about getting the job done. In the past few days I have tried to center myself and regain focus. How did I do this you ask????? 
  1. Find a song that puts you in a great mood!! Right now my song is “My Inner Ninja” how you start your day is very important. If breakfast is the most important meal of the day then how you feel in the morning is equally important to how you proceed through the rest of the day. Every morning when I get up as I get ready for work, I play my song. This song is so positive and upbeat it puts me in a great mood. I feel like I am ready to take on my day and it puts a smile on my face. Find your song, turn your music on and be happy to be alive and well.
  2. I have begun riding my bike for an hour a day and I absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!! It has been very sucky weather outside with the temperature feeling more like winter and not summer but I have made it through somehow!!! It is very refreshing to go riding to be alone with my thoughts and to unwind from a long day. I take this time as a necessity in my life kinda like my own detox. I don’t know about you guys but after such a long day at my office where I sit and listen to people’s legal woes all day, I need a moment alone. Try sitting in silence for 5, 10, 15 minutes and see the wonder it does for you. Remember first control the mind and then control the actions!!! I am still learning by the way…lolol
10 years ago this year a set of girls graduated from  The Convent of Mercy Academy “Alpha”. A few weeks ago a reunion was held in Kingston Jamaica and though I was unable to attend it was on my mind all weekend. It seemed as though only yesterday we were sitting under a tree at school having sloppy joes and trying to skip Chapel and Physical Education. I am amazed at how many years have gone by since we graduated high school and how far we have come. We lost a few of our amazing friends through the years but we are still here. I just want to say to my graduating class, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS!!!! Every single one of you that I have encountered have done well for yourselves. We had an amazing time in high school. I sincerely hope that ten more years to come we will still be standing for that which is good and true a testament to our alma mater.
There are also some teachers that deserve special mention that for me made my high school years memorable and rewarding. I will never forget my days in the classroom with them and the wonderful life lessons I learnt from them some harder than others. I hope these teachers continue to impart knowledge on our nation’s children and know that all there years of service to such a demanding job in my book makes them heroes!!!
Ms. Kerr (2nd Form Literature Teacher) you are the reason I fell in love with Literature, the way you taught Green days by the River spoke to me. You had a great passion for literature and that transcended and awoke my mind to the wonderful world of writing.
Ms. Reivers (2nd Form Spanish Teacher) I always admired the fact that you always wore a smile on your face, you were tough in class but fair. I can never repay you for giving me my bestfriend to date, we are a match made in heaven. You taught with conviction and made every class interesting.
Mrs. Bloomfield (History Teacher) Hands down coolest female teacher I have ever sat in front off. How did you know all your students so well??. You have the ability to get through every mind in our class with just being open, honest and realistic with us and I always appreciated that. As a child growing up anxious to be an adult, you never treated us like children and I always respected that about you.
Mrs. Boyd (6th Form Literature Teacher) a rare soul, I don’t have a lot of words to describe you but I can recall being in sixth form in the peak of exams and having no idea who John Keats was because well….. Anyway I remember you stayed after school and taught us so much material for that exam. I never forgot that and that’s the teacher you are, you go beyond the call of duty for your students and you have a passion for your job, I always felt cared for by you, even though you seemed strict at the time, I came to learn that you are humorous, beautiful and AMAZING!!
Mr. Williams (French Teacher) You are awesome!!!! Coolest male teacher I have ever been around, to this day. I have a lot of respect for you and what you do and I appreciate all the time and effort you took with our class. You made every french class a joy to be in.
Let us salute our teachers and realize that while they are not perfect, there jobs are not easy and by the looks of our graduating class I say they did a great job!!! It takes village to raise a child
Leave your comments on who your favourite teacher was and why!!!

Monday 6 May 2013

A LETTER TO A 15 YEAR OLD............................

Hello Everyone,
                    It's Mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, the month of great weather!!! It is so good to be outside, I traded my gym membership for a bicycle because, I am about that life!!! lolol I love the great outdoors and I intend to enjoy every minute of it. 

May not only brings mayflowers, it is celebrated as Child's Month, so as a tribute to all my teenage viewers, I am pouring out my two cents on the "The Lessons of my youth". Ever so often I am pleasantly surprised by an inbox message from my teenage viewers. In recent times, I got a beautiful email about my blog, what inspired it and how inspirational and uplifting it was. This young lady asked me if I was always this outspoken and confident, I thought long and hard about answering her because I knew that I had an influence on her and my response would help to shape her mind so I wrote her a letter.
"Dear Sh.......,
                  When I was child in my district, I always thought life could not go by fast enough, I wanted to be grown and I wanted to be a woman. I never really stopped then to think about my childhood experiences. Now that I am grown, I often wish I was a child again, I relish in the days of my youth and I find comfort in them, I am able to laugh at the younger version of myself, I am able to treasure my upbringing and understand that it was fundamental in shaping the woman I am today.

I was not always this confident, in fact, I always lacked confidence growing up, but I have come to understand that confidence for me is a work in progress. Some days I am indestructible other days I am fallible and fragile, it is a part of growing and learning about yourself. But I can tell you this, my long lasting peace I have now established with myself did not come from my physical appearance, it came from knowing that while I am beautiful I am not my body, I am smart, outgoing, funny, silly, driven and determined. So, I hope you too will work on being confident in your abilities, your strength, your uniqueness and your body will come in time.
That being said, I am writing you as I would to my 15 year old self hoping that my age will bring you wisdom, my insecurities will bring you confidence, my words will bring you comfort.
There are two types of people in this world, there are givers and there are takers, identity what you are and either treasure it or change it. I do not mean people who will take your possessions such as money or clothing etc. I mean people who will take your confidence with words that cut like a knife, people who give you praises and follow shortly with an insult, people who short live your victory and long live your misery. This is important, IDENTIFY THEM, take a good look at them and get rid of them, there are more takers than givers in this world and you will encounter plenty, you do not need to treasure these ones who disguise themselves under the word "friend".
 Often times I hear people say they found there soulmate, well, I give you "friend mate" my word its a little goofy but it's mine, don't judge me..lolol. My dear, life will lead you on paths that will have you meeting many people, learn to identify your acquaintances from your friends. There are some people who are usually givers and even if they are not they can openly give to you, they are there when you need them, they encourage you when you need it, they call when it's not your birthday, they go above and beyond for your well being, look closely you found a friend mate. They are few so make sure you know that friendship is not about numbers it's about loyalty. It is about a friend that dreamt your dream when you were kids, saw the beauty of your imagination, always spoke good things over your life and declared only good things for you. And don't worry if you don't find them now, I found some of my friend mates in high school and university and even in the workplace. The point is, if you are going to blossom into a beautiful, strong, independent woman, you must first begin by surrounding yourself with people who will see that potential in you, nurture it, encourage it and MOST importantly believe it.
I heard you say you are not one of the "popular" kids in school, the game of life is not a popularity contest and it is not in a school yard. When I was in school, I was not a popular girl, I was the girl that worried about what people thought of me and because of that I did many things to be "seen" a particular way by my peers. Your innocence is your asset, you do not need to be popular, the beauty of your teenage years are priceless, you have the luxury of living in a home where, your meals are prepared, you have clothing and shelter and you have the option of getting an education, focus on these things. Remember I told you, that this is probably the only time in your life you will be free, free to live a worry free life, free to be a child, you do not have to grow up early, being a grown up is going to always be there, be a teenager and enjoy that.
You have a temple in which your spirit dwells, your body, it is a gift and you should treasure it. I know now you seem to be going through an "awkward" phase, it might be pimples or boobs etc. Do not let this be your defining characteristic, all these are changeable and variable. As a woman, your main characteristic should be able to stand the test of time, men, relationships, defeat and all  of life's lessons, so your "IMAGE" will come in it's own time, WORK on your confidence, your education, your values because those will always be what sets you apart from the rest of the world. A good man never marry a woman because she is beautiful, he marries what is underneath it all, and once those fundamentals are there, you will never worry about boys or men, they will love you.
I hope this helps in your days at school when you are not sitting with the popular girls, I want to say Happy Child's Month to you, remember you have your whole life to be grown but only several years to be a child, embrace it, remember that your life is a blank canvass, you have the paint brush in your hand soooo GOOOO make your masterpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!