Sunday 30 December 2012

Au Revoir 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone,
                I am sure you are all busy making New Years Eve plans. As 2012 comes to a close I sit here pondering what to say about this past year. I know for me personally, it has been an uphill climb that was filled with tears and smiles. The beginning of this year was rocky but like everything in life, trying times do not last forever. This year has been such a blessing and a life lesson for me. I am first of all thankful that I am alive and well at this moment, many of our friends and loved ones did not make it this far. As I sit here listening to Ludacris ft. Usher and David Guetta "Rest of my Life" I want to say, while I don't feel the same way about some things said in the song particularly the drinking and smoking, I endorse the ultimate message of the song. It is a beautiful song and essentially life is about survival knowing that what don't kill you, make you stronger. For me, Ludacris captured it perfectly with this question "why tip toe through life to arrive safely to death?"

2012 is ending and as we approach the new year let us all be our best at whatever it is we decide to dedicate ourselves to. Let us be grateful that we are here and that we have our loved ones with us. It is a time to reflect on our mishaps and savour our victories, but never forgetting to live in the present and be present in the now.I don't make New Years resolutions because I believe if there is something to be done, I will get it done no matter the date or time. This is just my personal life practice, I believe one of the most amazing things about us as humans is that we can change anything about ourselves and achieve anything we put our minds and hearts to. I just try not to procrastinate on anything by making a resolution to do it, I just get it done.  For example , it was a bad habit of mine to always be late and I decided I am not going to be in the stereotype of "black people" always being late.  First, I became aware and acknowledged the problem, second, I wanted to change so I dedicated myself to changing. Third, I became proactive in my pursuit to change. This is how I approach my problems and difficult situations, it is hard but I try my best to remain consistent. This is my own roadmap that I use to navigate my life, I don't impose it on anyone else but it has worked great for me so far, so I recommend it to everyone. I hope everyone will be safe this New Years Eve. I am hosting a NYE party at my house and I will be taking pictures this time, lolol. All being well, I will be on to wish you Happy New Year when it comes.


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