Wednesday 2 January 2013


Hello Everyone,
                I hope you are all having a productive short week at work. It is the new year and I feel blessed to be alive and so should you. Now I come at you today ladies with an ever so popular topic MAKEUP. I know it has been spoken about and blogged about many times but still there is more to say. As a black woman with very oily skin I have searched for the remedy to get perfect skin where you don't look pasty and made up but still flawless and keeps them guessing. Now, while I have no problem with my ladies that prefer a dramatic effect it is not my style. I like when make up hides my skin scars but lets my skin breathe and gives me a natural look. Ofcourse when I am going out at nights I do know how to glam it up with dramatic eyes and mascara like any girl can!!!!

I have tried so many makeup lines hoping to find a solution for my skin, it took me several trial and error and many $$$$$$$$ later to finally get a solution. First of all if you have oily skin makeup lines like Black Opal, Makeup Forever, Nars is not for your skin type as well as mine. It will clog your pores and leave you with acne as it did me. If you are like me, very oily skin, acne prone and minor scars I am hoping my skin regimen might work for you.

Now while I love Mac, I can honestly say, I do not believe Mac caters well to us women of colour. Mac needs to broaden their foundation line to provide a better variety of shade. I have never found my shade at Mac, I have always had to mix a darker and a lighter colour to make my own.

I believe Mac is excellent in concealers and that is my go to product from Mac with my Organic setting powder for my finishing touches. I also love Mac's Prep and Prime, it is great for a long day at the office when I want my makeup to be there at 9pm when I get home.

In my continuous pursuit for a solution for my oily skin, I have FINALLY found what is now my best experience with make up yet, it is Mark Kay Oil Free Foundation and Maybelline Superstay foundation. These are my two exclusive product and I have found that they work wonderful for me. I use Mary Kay as my everyday foundation it provides medium to full coverage and I use Maybelline Superstay when I am going out at night and I need a glowy kinda look!!!!!!!!!

Ladies as women of colour we have resilience on our side. Our skin is oily and this keeps us looking young and beautiful so, even though it seems annoying now, when you are 65 and look like 40 you will love it. I am gonna let you in on my MUST HAVE SKIN CARE TOOLS to a flawless finish.

1. Olay Pro X Brush it is a must have, it cleans like no other and if you have oily skin or wear makeup daily you MUST cleanse twice a day. This brush is the TRUTH!!! lolol It exfoliates my skin and leaves it feeling as smooth as a baby's bottom.

2. All Natural Black Soap, the original one from the nigerian store ladies, not the Ambi version. The original soap is made of plaintain skin and will cleanse your skin while stripping away dead cells. (MUST HAVE)

3. A moisturizer for bedtime. I use Dove mosturizer available at any local pharmacy. It is important to mosturize before your night's zzzz when you get up in the morning your skin will be fresh and smooth which is great for morning makeup application.

4. NECCESSARY A BOTTLE OF MILK OF MAGNESIA (TRUST ME) If you have oily skin, after you cleanse in the morning before you apply your makeup get a small amount of milk of magnesia moisturize your entire face and then apply your makeup. You will thank me for this!!!!!lolol It has done wonders to my oily skin, you no longer can fry an egg on my face by 12noon. It doesn't eradicate but it controls it, and truth be told, you need that oil for when you're older. lolololol

So, in the morning after my Pro X cleanse and my milk of magnesia I apply my Mac Pro long wear liquid concealer for my cheeks and eyes to just conceal life's imperfections i.e. small acne scars and my Mary Kay oil free foundation. It is as natural as it gets for me, but don't take my word for it you be the judge!!!!!! PICS BELOW :)
Before Milk of Magnesia !!

                                                       After Milk of Magnesia !!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Leave comments below and join my blog, I have a giveaway coming soon!!!!!!! Don't miss out!!!


1 comment:

  1. I must comment...the Milk of Magnesia is a MUST have. It definitely works well...why invest in a pricey primer and this does the same work or better...#justsaying
