Monday 14 January 2013


Hello Everyone,

Last night I tuned in to watch the Golden Globes as Jennifer Lawrence won her first award for her role in Silver Lining’s Playbook. I decided to do my review of the film for those of you who are still undecided about going to see this film, or for those who are having doubts about her winning the Golden Globe last night.

Silver Lining’s Playbook is a film about two individuals dealing with mental health struggles that were brought on by a traumatic event in both their lives. I went into this movie with no expectations because I did not know what to expect. I also read no review of the movie deliberately because I wanted to draw my own conclusions about the film. As a movie lover, I live for a drama, musical, romantic or historical story that captivates me for 2 and ½ hours and leaves me with a message. I love when the actors are believable and the chemistry flies of the screen. I live for the myriad of emotions when the movie ends that leaves you comparing it to your own life.

This movie is all that and so much more………………it is a breath of fresh air, it is different from all that is now in the theatres. It is an unconventional love story. It focuses on the two main characters however, it also follows the life of their parents as their caretakers and highlights how even though they are deemed as “normal” or “sane” they are still facing similar and perhaps even more challenging issues than their children.

 It is a story of triumph and resilience in the face of adversity, a song of excelsior and knowing that even though life does not unfold exactly as planned or rehearsed you can use your challenges and find a silver lining. I believe my favourite part of the movie is the way the mental health struggles was at the focal point of the film significantly portraying that in many ways these people are no different from us and we are no different from them. Just like us, they too want to be loved, and to love and they have tenacity to triumph and sometimes they teach us the meaning of a silver lining.

 It was by far the best movie of 2012 for me, Jennifer Lawrence was superb, Bradley Cooper showed range and depth I never knew he had, I have a new respect for him, so…………….if you are a film lover, who loves unconventional films that takes you on a journey into unfamiliar themes that needs to be addressed more on the big screen go see Silver Lining’s Playbook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s a lifer for me.


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